JavaLeaks - the board

canīt find any board rules on this page

posted by Java4Real, stardate 49342344532343457


(Java crack)
and i seriously looked for it!
posted by Admin, 2 millis later


(non questionable)
we donīt wanna share our board rules with any asshole on the internet! eat that or get lost!
posted by Java4Real, stardate 493423445324565


(Java crack)
why are you so aggressive? i just asked a simple question!
posted by Admin, 2 month, 61 days later


(non questionable)
itīs because we java guys are the better men! no need to argue about that, threat closed!

and by the way: forget about that stardate shit, every time specification the gregorian calendar doesnīt support, doesnīt exist!
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